Question of freedom with interface map example, resources should be taken into accou too.
martin - book is outdated and mostly just recites common sense, not useful for our project. Article and its methods outdated.
Put user in front, adding many functions wont help if user doesnt want them. Trusts between user and product. Error handling. What gives app good UX, book ks guideli. Research the market
There are different things to keep in mind when observing. You should clearly know what you want to observe, what should we focus on? (This might cause a confirmation bias(?))
We should not focus on a single approach in case of errors and small sample sizes.
Observation might be better than interviews because the interviewee can lie or exaggerate, observations will see natural behaviour.
Repeated obervations => more nuanced conclusions
Information flow!
Activity theory -
Shud we evaluate in nartural env orn lab env. Ppl behave naturally in natural env. Lab env. Can produce diff results
Seems like this was stuck on draft (I blame you Arsalan!!). But Artem had some notes too, so no biggie.
SvaraRaderaMy notes are brilliant. But yeh I'll try and rewrite them as a proper text
RaderaNah, the notes are okay. I meant that the post wasn't published, it was just saved (as a draft).