Tekniska museet were great at utilizing interactivity to immerse visitors and give them a better experience. Some information plaques had touch screens, which allowed for greater amounts of information to be stored in a small space (thanks to menus, scrolling, etc.). These plaques also give the option to vote for your favourite item in the "100 innovations" exhibition, the least popular get replaced after some time. This gives a sense of contribution and participation while also providing the musuem with simple, yet effective feedback.
Touch screens were also used in other intuitive ways, one display allowed you to examine the human body at different "levels" (eg blood vessels, musculature, bone, etc.). The multi touch function made it possible to rotate the body and create crossection for more thorough examination.
Navigating through the menus and voting seemed to be confusing for kids (even quite old ones, i.e. 8 year olds), but background information about the exhibit is probably targeted towards an older and more patient user group anyway.
The museum also incorporated different motion sensor techniques to let the visitor control robotarms and interact with digital shadowcreatures on a bigscreen. Children seemed to find these activities quite fascinating since their actions were given a reaction from "inanimate" objects.
There's a beloved "play area" at the back of the musuem. Kids can experiment with different physics phenomena disguised as toys and games. It's educational and fun.
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