Tested by 3 people, all of them have had previous experience with apps.
They suggested that the app could have a better colour scheme instead of using white and grey. On some pages, the footer bar had 2 buttons but they were not centred (there should have been equal amounts of space between the edge of the screen and the buttons). Finally, they mentioned that the lack of the home button is a bit tedious. This is because if they want to return to the home page, they have to keep on pressing the back button (a button which redirects the user to the previous page).
Home Page:
They liked the placement of the help page (as a pop-up that opens when pressed on). They also found the settings button to be useful and the instructions were simple enough to understand.
QR Scanner Page:
They didn't understand that to advance to the next page, you have to tap on the QR image. The idea was that when you are using this app in reality, the QR page would display what your phone's camera would be seeing. There, you would scan the QR and it would automatically redirect you to the exhibit's page. But since this is a web-based prototype without any features a phone has, we had to improvise by using this page.
Another issue with the QR scanner page is that every time you press it, it only opens the Rocket page. The idea was that it should open up a different page each time you press the QR button.
Quiz page:
They noticed that the quiz would give the pop-up "Correct Answer" on questions 2-5 for any alternative they selected. They also would have liked to have a page which displayed the results rather than have a pop-up after every question.
Exhibit pages:
They noticed that the aeroplane exhibit page has "Rocket" as its header. It was unclear to the users that you could visit a specific exhibit's page by tapping on the image. This information should have been available in the help page.
Settings page:
They realised that the change language button does not actually change the language. I explained that this was a prototype and full functionality isn't required at this point. They tried out the clear exhibits button but it took them a while to realise the effect this had. This is because they had to keep pressing the back button to reach the home page.
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