I performed the think aloud with a 11 year old boy who is very interested in cars and mobile games. His interests, age and knowledge is similair to our primary persona and I think he's a fitting test user. He has experience with quiz apps such as "Quizkampen", but he has never used a QR code. His english knowledge seemed to be sufficient.
I explained the context of the app, how it will be used and what happens if you press different buttons. But I wanted him to mostly explore by himself and so I set up a scenario (a museum visit) to immerse in him in the experience.
The first thing he did was to click on help, he didn't understand everything but he told me he got the gist of it. Then he decided to take the quiz but after answering the first question, it took a few seconds for him to realise there were more questions if you scrolled. When he had answered all the questions he wondered what he was supposed to do next, so I had to tell him that there was no "game over" screen or score board implemented yet.
So he moved onto the QR scanning, he didn't know what QR was but he realised that the code was clickable when he moused over it. I explained how QR worked and it would be implemented later on.
After that, he clicked on the treasure hunt and realized he had to use the scan function to complete it, he clicked on the QR scan and was dissapointed when he got the rockets exhibit again.
So he ignored it and decided to explore the settings. He noticed that the language change didn't do anything and I told him that it wasn't fully implemented yet. Then he clicked on the "clear exhibits" button and I told him about the checklist function, which shows all the exhibits you've scanned on the "home screen", and that he had just cleared all his history.
Because of that, he wannted to take a look at the home screen but he was confused by the lack of a home button and frustrated when I told him he had to press the "back" button until he made it to the home screen.
Overall, he seemed to be able to understand the app and how to use it. I think it would be nice to have an independant QR scan that is assigned to the treasure hunt, this will make it more specific and focused. Navigation seemed to be a little clumsy, with the major flaw being the lack of a home button.
Something unrelated to the think-aloud evaluation that I noticed, was that the quiz automatically corrected every following answer as "correct" if the previous one was correct.
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