This is my think-aloud test, done in a simulated environment with a kid in elementary school age. Keep in mind that the prototype isn't fully functional so i had to explain the whole time why a certain something didn't work. The think-aloud was done entirely in Swedish, but I translated it to English here.
Before i started the experiment, i told the user that this is an app for the technical museum, and his task is to explore all the functions that it offers.
[Start of the experiment]: The user is looking around at the home page.
User is clicking at 'Take the Quiz' button.
User: I'm gonna take the quiz, looks like it has questions.
User sees the first question and chooses one of the alternatives.
User starts to scroll down.
Me: You're scrolling down to get to the other questions.
User: Yeah, i realize that.
User does the same thing with all the other questions. During whole this time he's talking exclusively about the questions of the quiz, so I'll omit what he said here.
At the end of the quiz, the user is still at the quiz page. He looks around and then clicks on the 'Treasure hunt' button.
Me: Why did you click there?
User: I don't know, I'm just testing.
Here I had to explain that the treasure hunt page is incomplete and that he had to go somewhere else, so the user clicked on the 'Scan QR code' button. Once he was in the scanning page, he seemed confused as what to do next, so i explained that he had to click on the QR-code.
(Note: In this prototype, there is no real scanning function, so the user is supposed to click on a picture of a QR-code and pretend that he is scanning)
When the user clicked on the QR-code, he gets redirected to a page with a picture of a rocket and information of rockets. User starts reading the information.
User: I don't understand, too much English.
User clicks on a picture of an airplane and gets redirected to the airplane page. He then looks around and clicks on the settings button. In the settings page, he clicks on the 'clear exhibits' button.
User: 'Exhibits cleared', I don't know what this is supposed to be
User: Oh look, i can change language.
User chooses to change language setting to Swedish. He then proceeds to go back to the home page.
User: Wait, nothing has changed, it's still in English.
Here i had to explain that the other languages weren't actually implemented.
Right then i choose to terminate the experiment because i thought that there wasn't anything more to test.
Since the user choose to click on the 'clear the exhibits' button earlier, he never realized that scanned pages show up at the home page. He also never bothered to click on the 'Help' button despite the fact that he seemed to click on everything else.
The thing that immediately comes to mind when i think of this experiment, is that we shouldn't expect of children to know perfect English or that they know immediately how to change the language to Swedish (or their other language of preference). Otherwise it seems like they understood the interface of the prototype, that they had to click on the buttons and what kind of things they expected to show up on these pages, or that they had to click on the picture of the airplane to get to the page of the airplane.
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