torsdag 5 februari 2015

Seminar 1 - Robin Bråtfors

Chapter 2
The author introduces conceptual models, which is pretty much a conceptual description of the purpose, behaviour and design of the proposed system. These models are dependant on the activities of the user, the four most common types of activites are:
  • Instructing
  • Conversing
  • Manipulating and navigating
  • Exploring and browsing
A good grasp of the average user seems to be of great importance in the designing of a conceptual model. Not only to find out what the system should do, but also how it should do it. This will give us a better grasp of what, why and how we are going to design a solution to an eventual problem of the interviewees

I think the four mentioned categories are an important aspect of the user and are really good to have in mind during when constructing a system. The user will be granted varying degrees of independence depending on the activity they perform. For example when reading a map of the musuem, how interactive should that map be? Should the user bew able to input their own keywords or should it just be a plain map? Can it be bad to allow the user more freedom in the interaction with the system or should interaction be more restricted?

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